
A pivot

So, it’s a Sunday and I just got back after a smooth 5k minute at a little over 60 minutes. Okay! 65 minutes to be precise. Was hoping to keep it under 60. Didn’t happen.

Started the day with two sets of pushups, sit-ups and crunches. While that was easy, it acted like a shot of dopamine, first thing in the morning despite being a little under 10 for each set. I must say, must do this more often. And make it a habit. I don’t know how and why do we forget the advantages such moves deliver?

Time you ask, whatever happened to the 8k plan I was on?

Well! Team Thylio asked me to reflect on how did the week go. I had to be honest and admit it didn’t go to plan for various reasons despite the best of intent.

That is why a pivot that makes it harder, than where we started from, but more manageable appears viable is what I was told. Which means, I wake up to some stretches and basic exercises. I wouldn’t have thought of moving my backside until I had got my mugs of chai when this set of instructions came in. After muttering a “what the hell”, got down to do it today. Like I said, could manage it while the chai was simmering (I like the tea leaves to boil a while until the flavours of the leaves come out). Rounded it off with the brisk 5k walk. Surprised myself with the timing because today is sweltering hot and all I wanted was to stay indoors. But glad I stepped out. At one point, honest to God, I thought I could break out into a run.