
Routine change

I’m back after a brief hiatus. No, I hadn’t gone off anyplace. But you know how it is. There are times when ennui gets the better of you. And then there are others when you’re trying your darndest best to change the schedule. It was a bit of both for me.

From beginning to put in those long walks and cycling bursts in the evenings, have been at work to change the clock to work out in the morning. Because when done in the evening, there’s an adrenaline rush. And the night gets nighter (I mean, getting to sleep takes longer). Because you got that extra ounce of energy pounding through the body.

So, today, I finally managed to push myself out in the morning without any chai. Halleluiah!

The original plan was to do a 3k brisk walk and a 3k on the bicycle. But ended up doing a 5k walk in 70. Just didn’t want to break the tempo after the 3k mark and wanted to amp the pace up. The other day, I attempted a sub-60-minute 5k. That was fun. But overshot by 1 minute. Have to remind myself that I ought to cut myself some slack days such as these because I’m on a work call as well when working out.

Got back and put in a large glass of lassi, a lovely omlette, bread and half a mug of tea. Satiated. Have been at work since. Must make a habit out of this.

Missing out blues!

If there’s one things that can mess the head, it’s this — miss the workout routine that you’re getting used to. It does all kinds of things to the mind and body. And that’s what happened to me. Between an overload of work and personal commitments, the workouts took a backseat.

I finally got down to a 5k today.

Between the stretches, push ups, squats and crunches on waking up first thing, the system was beginning to feel good. Why would anyone give it up? Sounds outright silly. And that the point here. Despite knowing it is good, we choose to keep is aside for other things that appear to matter.

Question on my mind now is: Why did I have to miss the work out? As I think about it, the answer is clear. Over time, we are taught and primed to de-priortise ourselves.

Thinking aloud now: In much the same way that I put a work-related call, or a meeting with friends on my calendar, why not put the time with myself as a non-negotiable? End of the day, without me, what will I work for and will any ecosystem around me exist at all?

A pivot

So, it’s a Sunday and I just got back after a smooth 5k minute at a little over 60 minutes. Okay! 65 minutes to be precise. Was hoping to keep it under 60. Didn’t happen.

Started the day with two sets of pushups, sit-ups and crunches. While that was easy, it acted like a shot of dopamine, first thing in the morning despite being a little under 10 for each set. I must say, must do this more often. And make it a habit. I don’t know how and why do we forget the advantages such moves deliver?

Time you ask, whatever happened to the 8k plan I was on?

Well! Team Thylio asked me to reflect on how did the week go. I had to be honest and admit it didn’t go to plan for various reasons despite the best of intent.

That is why a pivot that makes it harder, than where we started from, but more manageable appears viable is what I was told. Which means, I wake up to some stretches and basic exercises. I wouldn’t have thought of moving my backside until I had got my mugs of chai when this set of instructions came in. After muttering a “what the hell”, got down to do it today. Like I said, could manage it while the chai was simmering (I like the tea leaves to boil a while until the flavours of the leaves come out). Rounded it off with the brisk 5k walk. Surprised myself with the timing because today is sweltering hot and all I wanted was to stay indoors. But glad I stepped out. At one point, honest to God, I thought I could break out into a run.

A fumble

Today was to be Day 2 of the 8k challenge. But for whatever reason (more mental than physical), the body refused to move. And just before my usually early dinner, I pinged Team Thylio I don’t have it in me to hit the tarmac today. And before I knew it, there was a series of messages that hit my phone. Sounded simple enough!

And so, a slow 30 minute stroll it was in which. Did just about 2k. But felt significantly, significantly better. If exercise could be had as a pill, people would pop it by the dozen. I have no idea how many ‘feel-good’ hormones it releases.

Tomorrow, I think I’ll try work on some lifestyle changes. Instead of attempting all of the 8k at one go, will chunk it into two — one chunk in the morning and another chunk in the evening. This is a pointer my good friend Dr Rajat Chauhan had offered and I know it works really well in the longer run.