First Principles

I’m one of those blokes who is famously consistent for being inconsistent. That is why this page hasn’t been updated for a few weeks now (and I imagined it was a few days).

What have I been upto? Have added a dose of cycling to walking.

So, the walks now have to break into runs and swimming must find its way into the routine. One thing at a time.

Back to cycling. So, I’ve got this beautiful beast on hand and this creature drives like a dream. My brother and sister-n-law gifted it to me on my 50th. What makes this one extra special is that the colours and especially designed elements on it have been thought up by my nephew and it is custom built by the Pune-based Cycle Republik. More on the good folks there in another post.

The final outcome? A bicycle I’m still coming to terms with. She’s got 21 gears, the best in category. The frame is absolutely ingenious and this is a stunner. Got back from doing a serious uphill 10k today in 60 minutes. The original intent was a serious attempt to breach the 50 minute mark grappling with the challenge right now. But the incline is tough and must say, Indian roads are dangerous for solo cyclists.

That said, want to be fighting fit to do a triathlon and an interstate long-distance on this bicycle.

And just in case you’re wondering why this post is called First Principles, that’s because this bike is called that. And the design reflects the idea. A 10k today took the mickey out of me. Need to fit it out with water bottles, a small carrier, and mud-guards before I’m in shape for what’s on mind.

Just in case you’re curious what does First Principles look like, here…..